One in Five
SCAD 2020 - PSA
Process and Moodboard
The Problem
The brief of this project was to create a public service announcement for a nonprofit group about which I am passionate. This project also required creating or recording our own audio and limiting length to under a minute.
The Solution
My solution to this ask was to create a PSA for RCC Savannah, which is a local rape crisis center for survivors of sexual assault. After completion of this project, I also reached out to RCC to formally give them this video, to be used when and if they need it.
My concept was to record several different people's audio - old, young and any gender. I wanted to emphasis that sexual assault can affect anyone.
I chose a hand-drawn, cut-paper look to symbolize the struggle it is to talk about these issues, that sometimes these stories can come out hastily, roughly, or incomplete, because these topics are sensitive.